
The Future of Humanitarian Aid


<p>HRH Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein, Chairperson of International Humanitarian City, addressed the World Government Summit 2017 by presenting the status of humanitarian aid worldwide, its prospects, and the challenges it is facing in a world crippled with crises. She paid tribute to the martyrs of the UAE in Kandahar, who followed the steps of their forefathers and worked on continuing their march of glory. She further hailed the initiative launched by His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, who declared 2017 &ldquo;the Year of Giving&rdquo;, boosting volunteer work and cooperation in an attempt to repay the community.</p> <p>HRH Princess Haya continued her speech by highlighting the relentless efforts of the UAE in the humanitarian field, stating that according to the OECD, the UAE ranked among top donors in 2013. The UAE further established Dubai&rsquo;s International Humanitarian City, which hosts under its umbrella multiple humanitarian organizations operating around the world to harmonize their work. In addition, the UAE established the UAE Food Bank with the aim of reaching the point of zero hunger. This global objective comes as a response to the increasing numbers of hungry and displaced people affected by wars and calamities across world, problems that are expected to worsen because of climate change and desertification, and the huge amounts of wasted food. HRH also pinpointed the importance of the UAE data bank, and urged other countries to follow in its footsteps and provide comprehensive data to promote humanitarian work.</p> <p>HRH Princess Haya called upon governments to disclose the real numbers of people suffering from hunger. She then asked think tanks across the world to provide the humanitarian aid sector with innovative ideas, as the latter seems immune to creativity. She highlighted how mobiles and drones changed the way humanitarian aid reaches remote areas, and how satellites help determine areas witnessing crises. She concluded her speech by stressing that the UAE always supports innovation and called upon other countries to follow its example and show the political will to act, help those in need, and secure millions of dollars dedicated to humanitarian aid.</p> <p></p>


Arena Hall
February 13, 2017 - 16:20 - 16:40
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