A humanitarian, a UN Messenger of Peace, a former member of the International Olympic Committee, former President of the International Equestrian Federation 
Princess Haya has a strong humanitarian presence both on local and international levels. Her work and interests focus on humanitarian issues and human development concentrated primarily on the areas of health, education, youth and sports. She continues to raise awareness of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), especially those of eliminating poverty and hunger. Additionally, She also works to find ways that sport can support the development of impoverished youths in the world's poorer nations.

In March 2007, Princess Haya was appointed the Chairperson of International Humanitarian City (IHC) following a decree issued by HH Sheikh Mohammed. One of the largest supply depots for aid in the world, the IHC aims to facilitate aid and development efforts by providing local and international humanitarian actors with facilities and services specifically designed to meet their needs.

In September 2007, Princess Haya was selected by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon as a United Nations Messenger of Peace, the highest honor bestowed on a global citizen by the United Nations Secretary-General to address pressing problems around the world. A month later, Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan chose Princess Haya to become a founding member of the Geneva-based Global Humanitarian Forum (2007-2010), an international organization aimed at addressing humanitarian issues.


04.20 - 04.40
Arena Hall