Saadia Zahidi
Managing Director World Economic Forum. Founder & co-author of the Forum's Future of Jobs Report, Global Gender Gap Report and Human Capital Report. Author of Fifty Million Rising. Selected as one of BBC's 100 Women. BA in Economics Smith College, MPhil International Economics Graduate Institute of Geneva; MPA Harvard Kennedy School.
World Government Summit 2023
14:00 - 14:30Sustainability HallGender Balance Forum
Government Action to Accelerate Gender Balance and Regional Growth: An International Organization Perspective
Saadia ZahidiManaging Director, World Economic ForumFerid BelhajVice President, MENA, World BankHaoliang XuAssistant Secretary General, Assistant Administrator and Director of the Bureau for Policy and Programe SupportH.E. Mona AlMarriVice President of UAE Gender Balance CouncilRuqayya AlBlooshiExecutive Director for International Relations and Government Knowledge Exchange, Prime Minister’s Office, UAE
13:15 - 13:45ADNOC HallFuture of Education Forum'23
Preparing and Empowering the Education Workforce
Sonia Ben JaafarCEO, Abdullah Al Ghurair Foundation for EducationAnna MoleroCEO and Cofounder, Teach For AllSaadia ZahidiManaging Director, World Economic ForumH.E. Sarah AlAmiriMinister of State for Public Education and Advanced Technology, UAE, Chairwoman, UAE Space AgencyJohn SimonsExecutive Editor