Daniel Murphy
Dan Murphy is CNBC’s Anchor and Correspondent based in the United Arab Emirates, reporting on business, markets, economics and geopolitics from across the Middle East region.
World Government Summit 2023
16:35 - 17:00Plenary HallGlobal City Design and Sustainability
Sustainability: Drivers and Barriers for Governments
Christian BruchPresident and CEO, SiemensAlan SchwartzExecutive Chairman of Guggenheim PartnersJeff RisomPartner and Chief Innovation Officer at Gehl PeopleHiro MizunoFounder and CEO, Good Steward Partners, LLCDaniel MurphyNational Reporter at CNBC, CNN
10:45 - 11:05TDRA Hall'23Future of Work Forum
Governing the Future of Work
H.E. Gilbert HoungboDirector General, International Labor OrganizationRagnheiður ÁrnadóttirDirector, Duplicate OECDFerid BelhajVice President, MENA, World BankDaniel MurphyNational Reporter at CNBC, CNN