Becky Anderson
World Government Summit 2023
09:25 - 09:40Plenary HallExploring New Frontiers
Investing in a Sustainable Future: The Role of Climate Finance
Makhtar DiopManaging Director, International Finance CorporationBecky AndersonCNN, CNN -
14:20 - 14:45Dubai Municipality Hall 2023Learning and Work
Will Educators of Today Shape the Future Workforce?
John LoughtonCEO of Dare2Lead and Founder of Scran AcademyEsther WojcickiCo-founder, Tract.appBecky AndersonCNN, CNN -
14:45 - 15:05Dubai Municipality Hall 2023Learning and Work
Leading Through Change: How Can Leaders Build a Resilient Workforce?
Jeff MaggioncaldaChief Executive OfficerBecky AndersonCNN, CNN -
15:05 - 15:30Dubai Municipality Hall 2023Learning and Work
Expanding the New Range of Learning and Earning
Matt DalioFounder, EndlessAlan GreenbergHead of Strategic Relationships, Entelechy AcademyCarla Haddad-MardiniDirector of Private Fundraising and Partnerships, United Nations Children's FundBecky AndersonCNN, CNN -
15:30 - 15:45Dubai Municipality Hall 2023Learning and Work
09:45 - 10:05RTA Hall'23Women in Government Forum
One Earth: Women Leading Sustainability
H.E. Dr. Yasmine FouadGovernment of the Arab Republic of EgyptH.E. Khadeeja NaseemMinistry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology - MaldivesBecky AndersonCNN, CNN -
11:15 - 11:45ADNOC HallFuture of Education Forum'23
Future of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning
H.E. Abdellatif MiraouiMinistry Of Education - MoroccoJeff MaggioncaldaChief Executive OfficerManuel MunizProvostSebastian ThrunFounder and CEO, UdacityBecky AndersonCNN, CNN