H.E. Abdulrahman AlOwais
His Excellency Abdul Rahman Al Owais has joined the federal Government in 2006. He was appointed as Minister of Health. In February 2016, the name of the Ministry of Health was changed to Ministry of Health and Prevention, increasing the responsibilities of the ministry to focus on prevention and protection of society from diseases.
World Government Summit 2023
14 Feb 10:45 - 10:50Dubai Municipality Hall 2023Health and Wellbeing
14 Feb 10:50 - 11:25Dubai Municipality Hall 2023Health and Wellbeing
Sustaining Health: An Agenda for All
H.E. Dr. Khaled AbdelGhaffarMinistry of Health and Population - EgyptMichael RyanExecutive Director of the Health Emergencies ProgramCaroline FarajVice President Arabic Services