Public Service Workforce Disrupted .. Evidence for Improving Public Service as a Career of Choice Around the World
Public Service
Public Service
Preparing the public sector workforce of the future
Designing employer brand and employee experience
Preparing for future skills
Accenture’s report comes at a very timely moment to understand the current experience of the public sector workforce. Several interviews and research programs took place and covered all levels of seniority across six countries, three levels of government, and multiple sub-industries.
Accenture also compared public service with for-profit industries. At a high level, we found that public service was under stress: public service was recommended the least to peers of all sixteen industries evaluated. Many executives pointed to a lack of investment in people development and technologies. Three critical areas for interventions emerged to improve government as a career choice, including employer brand, employee experience, and future skills.
Accenture also compared public service with for-profit industries. At a high level, we found that public service was under stress: public service was recommended the least to peers of all sixteen industries evaluated. Many executives pointed to a lack of investment in people development and technologies. Three critical areas for interventions emerged to improve government as a career choice, including employer brand, employee experience, and future skills.