
Building the Data Economies of the Future

Building the Data
Building the Data

The world is awash with data. In the past quarter of a century, smart phones, Wi-Fi, robotics, artificial intelligence (AI) and other technological marvels have swept the globe, transforming all societies.

It is a world of data abundance and immense promise, yet it is also one of potentially vast inequalities. Without a determined and innovative approach by policymakers, the benefits of our new data economies will not be shared equally.

Mutual engagement between government and youth will bring mutual benefits; simultaneously empowering youth to shape the digitized future they are to inherit, whilst enabling governments and older public servants to learn new skills and acquire fresh insights from new generations.

In this report we outline the challenge of data economies, and the reasons why governments are falling behind. We look at why youth must be involved, and examine the six imperatives necessary to making youth the drivers of data economies. 

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