The Evolution of Leaders
Leaders can achieve effective results by changing individuals’ state of mind and how they approach a situation – as the UAE’s leadership has consistently demonstrated. Tony Robbins, the American motivational coach and leadership strategist, offered a three-point template for leaders in a rousing session at the 2019 edition of the World Government Summit in Dubai, where he delivered an opening address. “To be great leaders we have to influence ourselves first,” he said, adding that this is how the UAE’s leadership has succeeded. “If we don’t consciously choose, we focus on whatever life brings us.” “Whatever emotions we have shape what we do,” he said, explaining how he was inspired to pay it forward, something he continues to do today. “Sometimes the worst day becomes the best day. That’s our goal”. He stressed that “energy is the most important element to change,” when energy is low, our emotions are negative, but when our energy is high, we’re excited and inspired