
Wellbeing: GDP and Beyond


Over the past ten years, several reports and studies highlighted the pitfalls of over-reliance on GDP when assessing a country’s health and raised the question of whether economic (GDP) growth is the only appropriate measure and policy goal in the face of today's environmental, societal and economic challenges. The OECD, UNDP, and UAE Government have been promoting wellbeing as a holistic measure of development; yet, there is a need to pave the way for more integration when addressing both concepts (wellbeing and GDP) as they are mutually inclusive. The session will discuss the importance of wellbeing as a holistic measure of country development, beyond GDP; the metrics that this holistic measure should include to create wider societal wellbeing; and its implications on governance and policy development (fiscal, economic, etc.). It will also discuss the respective roles of international organizations and governments in promoting and measuring wellbeing.


H.E. Achim Steiner
H.E. Achim Steiner
H.E. Ohood AlRoumi
H.E. Ohood AlRoumi
Minister of State for Happiness and Wellbeing & Vice Chairman of the World Government Summit
Angel Gurria
Angel Gurria
Secretary General
TRA Hall
February 10, 2019 - 15:15 - 15:45
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