
What is the Impact of Climate Change on Food Security?


<p>H.E. Tshering Tobgay, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bhutan, H.E. Jos&eacute; Graziano da Silva, Director General of the Food and Agricultural Organization, and H.E. Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, discussed in this session the negative effects of climate change on the world in general, and more specifically on food security.</p> <p>H.E. Tshering Tobgay answered the question posed on agriculture and climate change, citing Bhutan as an example of leading governance on climate change. Bhutan is not only carbon neutral, it is carbon negative. The rich environment of Bhutan, 72% of which is covered in forest, is not only preserved, but pristine in its unexplored state. He mentioned Bhutan&rsquo;s transition fund, &lsquo;Bhutan for Life&rsquo;, which is a model of collaborative effort with international entities. On the question of Bhutan&rsquo;s gross national happiness, H.E. Tobgay stated that the level of happiness has policy, initiatives, and planning that go into it. He also stressed the importance of food security. He added that Bhutan&rsquo;s environment is influenced by the environments of other countries, and called for protecting the environment while highlighting how it influences those who live in poverty.</p> <p>H.E Director-General Da Silva answered a question on how to adapt effective climate change policy on agriculture. He stated that food production uses 70% of fresh water, yet one third of food produced is wasted. He said that in order to avoid such high levels of waste, the consumption mindset needs to be changed, and consumption levels need to be advanced and diversified. On combatting food security, Da Silva highlighted the importance of identifying priorities, political commitment, and adaptation to climate change in a manner that assists in rebuilding the station services. He stated three steps to combat the impact on food security: expanding technology to small farms, offering them financial support, and promoting new research.</p> <p>H.E. Patricia Esponisa spoke about the Paris Agreement, which gives a clear direction to the international community on climate change. She said that climate change adds challenges to food security, and it is thus necessary to innovate solutions. H.E. emphasized that the importance of the Paris Agreement is that it connects all the affected areas of climate change. She also called for collaborative efforts of all entities, whether private, public or civil, because climate change affects all fields.</p> <p>In conclusion, the three speakers agreed that progressing collective measures to divert the impact of climate change on food security.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


H.E. Patricia Espinosa
H.E. Patricia Espinosa
Executive Secretary
H.E. Tshering Tobgay
H.E. Tshering Tobgay
Prime Minister
Arena Hall
February 13, 2017 - 09:30 - 10:00
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