
Self Driving Transport: Global Challenges & Opportunities


<p>H.E. Matar Al Tayer, Director General and Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), discussed the global challenges and opportunities related to self-driving transport vehicles.<br /> He raised some questions that need to be addressed on the matter, which included how to convince people to give up driving and the fate of driving licenses in the future. They also focused on ways to gain the trust of people who are going to drive on highways in the presence of self-driving cars. </p> <p>H.E. mentioned that, today, the country faces both global and local challenges. Global challenges include the infrastructure laws, regulations, and legislations like testing and insurance processes. They also include the acceptance of citizens to those innovations and technology. As for the local challenges, UAE has high temperature and humidity, which can lead to some technical complications. H.E. highlighted as well that it is a multi-national country with a population of different lifestyles and backgrounds. </p> <p>On another note, H.E. stated the fundamentals and measures that would help reach the objectives and overcome challenges such as laws, attitude of the society and licensing conditions. The challenges also include making sure to keep track of self-driving cars, implementing a well-structured infrastructure, establishing accurate road maps and fighting cybercrime.&nbsp; <br /> <br /> Moreover, the strategy undertaken by the RTA had positive impacts on the country. The government has saved 22 billion dirhams annually on transport expenses. Reports also reflected a decrease in the demand for parking spaces, the CO2 emissions, and the rate of traffic accidents. The speaker emphasized on the fact that the RTA strategy provides a better lifestyle for the future, especially for the elderly. <br /> <br /> H.E. concluded by saying that the RTA has already started with trials on the very first driverless cars that are expected to be officially launched in July 2017.The positive aspect of this transport strategy is that the government is leading its transformation process. He added that the vision adopted focuses on the development of the country rather than the material gains.&nbsp;</p>


H.E. Mattar Al Tayer
H.E. Mattar Al Tayer
Director General, Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors
Arena Hall
February 13, 2017 - 15:10 - 15:30
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