
National Arab Youth Strategy


<p>H.H Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs UAE, delivered the speech for the closing session of the World Government Summit that emphasized the inception of a new wealth, the wealth of the Arab youth. The cornerstone of this session is His Highness&rsquo; launch of the seven initiatives. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>H.H passion for the development of Arab youth arises from the vision established by H.H. the late Sheikh Zayyed Al Nahyan, highlighting that the best individuals to establish Arab youth strategies are the youth themselves.&nbsp; H.H. provided a valuable source of insight that distinguishes UAE from the rest of the world as being the first country to appoint the youngest minister ever. That furnished a solid basis for considering the Arab youth as the blueprint and fabric to our society. This brings forth his announcement of the launch of the seven initiatives designed especially for the Arab youth. The first initiative aims at establishing a center precisely dedicated to the Arab youth that implements the principle of inclusiveness. The very hallmark of the second initiative focuses on having a dialogue of civilizations that builds and envisions a better future. The third initiative hopes to achieve a platform that takes as its focal point youth opportunities which helps to create young individuals as business incubators. Furthermore, H.H. called upon all institutions to contribute to these platforms in order to achieve the central strategy of this platform. The fourth initiative aims at producing an annual youth report in order to know the aspirations and dreams of young people on the grounds that to achieve youth dream, is to achieve the Arab dream. The fifth sharpens its focus on issuing an educational spectrum that equally provides educational opportunities to men and women. The sixth initiative is having youth circles spearheaded by H.H. himself that takes its subject matter the issue of the future. The seventh initiative is a potential contributor to Arab youth, because it intends to establish a platform for collective participation to work on the future that depends on volunteerism. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>H.H. concluded his session by expressing his optimism towards the youth&rsquo;s potentials, capabilities and strengths, believing with firm assurance that they will cultivate a legacy of accomplishments that will be documented throughout history, and that they would undoubtedly implement themselves as role models for future generations.&nbsp;</p>


H.H. Sheikh Mansoor Al Nahyan
H.H. Sheikh Mansoor Al Nahyan
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presential Affairs
February 14, 2017 - 13:30 - 13:50
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