
Nation's Sustainability


<p>Lt. General H.H Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, spoke of the concept of sustainability, and how H.H Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may he rest in peace, sought to achieve sustainability in every sector. H.H stressed that a nation&rsquo;s sustainability must cover all sectors, and explained that in his search for its meaning, he found that it was rooted in Islam and mentioned in the Quran.</p> <p>H.H explained that Allah created the universe, the earth, Man, and water, and that these are the components of sustainability. H.H also considered values to be the basis of sustainability, adding that ethics are advocated by all religions and philosophies. Focusing on the context of the UAE, he described how Emirati values are rooted in religion, history, and tradition and are passed on from father to son to grandson. H.H Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan then noted how impressed he was by the Japanese model and by Japan&rsquo;s respect for ethics. In fact, for the past 150 years, Japan&rsquo;s education curriculum has offered a subject dedicated entirely to ethics. The United Arab Emirates has drawn on the experiences of other countries and has launched its own initiative to prepare an educational program on ethics that takes religion, and the country&rsquo;s history and traditions into consideration.</p> <p>H.H then praised the Mother of the Emirates and every mother for their role in raising new generations, confirming that family is the backbone of society. H.H added that we are now facing big challenges that will make ethical discipline within the family a necessity. H.H spoke of the importance of balancing tradition with openness and teamwork but argued that the UAE has a credit of ethical heritage that gives it immunity.&nbsp;</p>

Arena Hall
February 13, 2017 - 16:40 - 17:00
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