
Main Address: Smart & Sustainable Slovenia


<p>H.E. Miro Cerar, Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, addressed the relationship between sustainability, progression, and prosperity of countries. He indicated the importance of Slovenia&rsquo;s sustainability and progression, and presented the most important challenges facing humanity. </p> <p>H.E. started the session by addressing the global challenges facing the states on a sustainability level. He continued to suggest that global challenges require coordinated responses in both the public and private sectors by integrating sustainability in the way the states update their policies, strategies and businesses and daily life.</p> <p>He goes on to say that advancement in technology is a thriving force in societies, according to the accumulation of scientific knowledge and technological solutions that have changed the lives of people. In addition it has enabled the transferring of knowledge, goods and people faster than ever. It is not clear if the knowledge, ideas and goods are driving society to the peak of progress in civilization, or downward, said H.E. Cerar. </p> <p>Regarding the benefits of advancements in technology, he implied that these advancements are not always beneficial to society; it can sometimes lead to environmental ignorance and to an increase in exploitation, murder and wars. We must measure the value of any progress in relation to how beneficial it can be to society. The challenge in prosperity and progress require foundations and sound solutions, the speaker said, presenting three solutions: legal and essential principles, rules and other actual values, importance of cooperation, raising awareness in importance of sustainability. &nbsp;</p> <p>Moreover, H.E. Cerar stated that Slovenia&rsquo;s sustainability is entrenched in the mindset of its people. The main catalyst of the sustainability of advancement in technology are education, creativity and innovation of Slovenians and respect of women and countries. He added that Slovenia has built its reputation through innovation, which led to the export of good and services of Slovenia being 75% of its gross domestic product. He discussed the long-term vision of Slovenia, which is to build a community of solidarity, tolerance, and sustainable economy that considers the environment and society. The Slovenian goals for 2050 rely on trust, innovative society, learning for life and through life, well-being and identity. He stressed Slovenia&rsquo;s role in global peace and prosperity. He implied Slovenia is pioneering in implementations of SDGs as it includes it within its budget and sustainable plans.&nbsp; </p> <p>In conclusion, H.E. implied Slovenia is one of four countries that use circular economy, which boasted a new initiative that the Slovenian government piloted in collaboration with corporate public. He stressed on the role of youth in shaping the sustainable future indicating the importance of cooperation of all the institutions to develop solutions that are sustainable and beneficial to society.&nbsp;</p>


H.E. Miro Cerar
H.E. Miro Cerar
Prime Minister
Arena Hall
February 14, 2017 - 11:45 - 12:00
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