
Main Address of the State Of Japan


<p>&ldquo;Finding a way for people of different identities, cultures and traditions to coexist is a vitally important issue facing the world now.&rdquo; </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>His Excellency Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, addressed the World Government Summit 2017 through a televised speech on the first day of the Summit.&nbsp; During his speech, the Prime Minister emphasized the need to promote diversity and coexistence, and to empower all segments of society, stating that &ldquo;diversity is the key for new ideas and innovation&rdquo;. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Mr. Abe started by confirming Japan&rsquo;s commitment to social empowerment through an initiative titled &ldquo;Promoting Dynamic Engagement of All citizens&rdquo;. The project seeks to create a new economic and social system in which the active participation of women is encouraged and employment opportunities are promoted for the elderly. He emphasized that governments play an important role in fostering such an environment, and in promoting economic growth based on innovation. &ldquo;I believe it is the critical role of government to use diversity as a way to empower society,&rdquo; he said, adding that Japan can face the challenge of a decreasing birthrate and an aging population by unleashing the maximum potential of all social segments. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Prime Minister then spoke of the history of the Middle East and the spirit of tolerance and moderation it has fostered along centuries, noting that the region was able to prosper thanks to its diversity of people, religions and ethnicities. He praised the Summit&rsquo;s host city Dubai and said he was impressed, during his visit in 2013, to see people from various religions and cultures coexist and work together. Mr. Abe also commended the UAE&rsquo;s initiative to create a Ministry of Happiness, describing the nation as &ldquo;a world pioneer in diverse inclusivity&rdquo; and an &ldquo;oasis for tolerance&rdquo;. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Prime Minister Abe concluded his speech by looking forward to 2020 with the Olympic and Paralympic games in Japan and the World Expo in Dubai. He invited both the Japanese and the Emirati people to present to the world an example of societies where peace and prosperity prevail.&nbsp;

Arena Hall
February 12, 2017 - 16:00 - 16:10
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