


<p>Omar Butti brought to light innovation in the 21<sup>st</sup> century in the session&ldquo;Innovation Belongs to Our Youth&rdquo;. The panel included Software Developer and Hardware Engineer Thomas Suarez, who is also a 17-year-old patented American innovator. Additionally, the panel hosted the youngest Emirati inventor, 15-year-old Fatima Kaabi, whose biggest dream is to become the future Youth Minister of the Emirates.&nbsp; </p> <p>Buttifirst asked what drove them to innovate at such young ages. Thomas explained that he had always been fascinated by computers and technology and that his drive to create stemmed from his frustration and need to solve problems. Fatima elucidated that her love of creation was rooted in her need to fix broken objects. She said technology is a tool that allowedher to innovate for her country.</p> <p>Similarly, both innovators had given TEDx talks before the age of 14 and this made them famous in their respective regions. They commented on the importance of support from peers, family, and friends before fame. Fatima explained that she had received a lot of support after she became famous but this support had been null from her peers, teachers and the wider community, before her widely acclaimed recognition. In fact, it was only her family who had supported her. Before her fame she was constantly teased and bullied for playing with screwdrivers instead of Barbie dolls. Moreover, Thomas explained that it was not only the support of friends, family and school but the internet was a platform that allowed him to succeed. Fatima then explained that collaboration opportunities provided by the internet and events such as the World Government Summit allow young innovators to meet intelligent individuals and facilitate an exchange of knowledge. Additionally, she highlighted how youth can accomplish great things such as the organization of this very summit.</p> <p>In conclusion, both youth innovators stressed that while the support of family is important in order to succeed as future inventors, the support of the government is also vital.&nbsp; They explained that large governmental entities provided inspiration for youth to become interested in technology by allowing innovation to be perceived as positive by society. Fatima added youth should not waste time on things that do not add any value to their future. Finally, Thomas said in order to accomplish your dreams, &ldquo;don&rsquo;t ever let someone tell you, that you can&rsquo;t accomplish something.&rdquo;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


February 13, 2017 - 09:10 - 09:30
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