
How Can We Stay Happy in the Age of Robotics & AI?


<p>Mr. Shawn Achor, Author of The Happiness Advantage and Founder of Goodthink,INC, spoke about the concept of happiness, the latest scientific research on it, and the conditions that lead to it. </p> <p>Firstly, Achor presented the audience with a definition of happiness, which was &ldquo;the Joy you feel moving towards your potential.&rdquo; He said that according to this definition, the opinion that happiness leads to slacking off and laziness is incorrect. He made a clear distinction between pleasure and joy, and stressed the importance of differentiating between the two. He said that while pleasure is short-lived and causes humans to be less motivated, joy does the exact opposite. He added that happiness is not merely an irrational optimism, but more a positive attitude that should always be practiced, because it is a decision that we can take, although it can be hard.</p> <p>Secondly, Achor discussed how social connections are the greatest predictor of happiness and success in the future, especially that we now live in the most socially connected time in history. He also mentioned the recent discovery of mirror neurons, which cause humans to replicate behavior, and said that this discovery proves that humans are wirelessly connected.</p> <p>Moreover, Achor said that just like having social connections is the main reason for happiness and its spread, feelings like negativity, stress, and anxiety also spread among people. He said that we do not process the world, but rather co-process the world with other people. He also stressed the importance of having a positive attitude when dealing with life, since the external world is not as important as how you process it. He also said that if humans view the world through the same pattern for too long, human brain takes on that pattern, even if it is a negative one. Therefore, Achor stated that what is needed is a mindset shift, and to stop postponing happiness.</p> <p>Finally, Achor called for spreading the most important scientific findings and discoveries in the science of happiness. He said that, scientifically, happiness can be a choice. It is the greatest competitive advantage in modern economy.</p>


Mr. Shawn Achor
Mr. Shawn Achor
Founder and Happiness Researcher
February 13, 2017 - 13:10 - 13:40
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