
How Advanced Science is Shaping the Future of Governments


<p>Dr. Brian Greene, Co- founder and Chairman of the World Science Festival, addressed the World Government Summit discussing &ldquo;Big Science and the Future of Discovery&rdquo;. He deliberated on how advanced sciences can shape the future of life as we know it, and that science can only thrive in an ecosystem of support. He pinpointed two main ideas summarizing the relationship between science and governments, referring to science and how it shapes future governments, and the contribution of education to stimulating discovery and innovation.</p> <p>He started by introducing the idea of what he termed &ldquo;Big Science&rdquo;, namely the deep desire to discover the universe and how it originated, eventually impacting the future of discovery, economy and life itself. Scientific innovation and discovery are innate and most expressed in young children, but as we get older we lose that spirit. Only great people never lose that drive and thus yield spectacular innovation and later drive economic growth. He further added that science may not have been put forward for economic application but ultimately lead to it. This is why the culture of investment in innovation and science should be enrooted in governments.</p> <p>He concluded by stressing that science should go out of classrooms, which is the aim of the World Science Festival. Governments should enhance education to help shifting the public perspective of what science is really about and render it the engine driving innovation, as science is &ldquo;our guide to truth and the future&rdquo;. Furthermore, when governments come together, science can come to life and global conversation is thus established. This is what is worth fighting for. A last recommendation he offered is that governments should support big science and the culture of innovation and discovery to open up new horizons for mankind.</p>


Prof. Brian Greene
Prof. Brian Greene
Theoretical Physicist
Arena Hall
February 12, 2017 - 09:20 - 10:00
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