
Agile Governments: Survival in an Ever Changing World


<p>Steven Kotler, Author of Bold and Tomorrowland, addressed in his speech how governments can be more agile to efficiently adapt and guarantee survival in times of constant change in terms of healthcare, technology and education. He discussed a major and difficult challenge which is how to have an agile government.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /> <br /> At first, he raised the question of ultimate human performance and what it takes for individuals, organizations to do the impossible. Today, governments are not designed to experience rapid change. There are new tools, physical and mental technologies and it is crucial to understand their exponential growth. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </p> <p>In the medical field, user friendly interfaces were created. In the US healthcare, there has been a 45% increase of patients being misdiagnosed and a lack of medical staff. Eventually, this led to the innovation of a device which is able to diagnose an illness. Another innovation was the bionic ankle that was created for soldiers to combat. According to Moore&rsquo;s law, 50% of the human body can be replaceable by bionics.</p> <p>Today, technologies are exponentially accelerating. The average laptop is even going to have the same computing power of the human brain. However, in times of constant flux, AI and robotics create problems for governments, which would lead to losing 40% of jobs.</p> <p>Kotler also underlined that the education revolution is rising with AI and virtual reality in the world. One day, there would be no need to build schools anymore. There are technologies that are capable of creating individually customized learning and learning styles for students since they are engaging, fully distributed.</p> <p>The creation of Flow Genome Project was introduced. It was to upgrade the human brain for it to be designed to move at the speed of technology or think at this scale while ensuring optimal performance on any task at hand.</p> In conclusion, Kotler stated that we should focus on our mission to ensure more productivity. Today&rsquo;s development makes it possible for us to get a job done in 5 seconds rather than 5 hours. Also, it is important for governments to respond to citizens&rsquo; needs in order to guarantee learning, innovation and a sense of well-being.


Dubai Municipality Hall
February 12, 2017 - 11:15 - 11:40
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