
Dialogue on Regional Challenges and Future Opportunities


In a rapidly evolving global landscape, the Arab region stands at a crossroads: it can either witness a brain drain or become a cradle for global talent, innovation, and leadership. The choice will shape its identity and influence in the 21st century. This session addresses the crucial challenge facing the Arab region: sustaining and nurturing its talent to ensure long-term economic and social development by exploring the strategies that governments can implement to retain and develop local talent while also attracting skilled individuals globally.


H.E. Ahmed Aboul Gheit
H.E. Ahmed Aboul Gheit
Secretary General, League of Arab States
H.E. Jasem AlBudaiwi
H.E. Jasem AlBudaiwi
Secretary General, Gulf Cooperation Council
Emad Eldin Adeeb
Emad Eldin Adeeb
TV Presenter
1.0 Plenary Hall
February 13, 2024 - 10:40 - 11:00
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